Apple Arcade: Like Netflix for Gaming Coming in 2019
With the release of the new iOS13, iPadOS and MacOS Catalina Betas, that became public this week, many noticed the new 'coming soon' section for 'Apple Arcade' found in either your iPhone, iPad, Mac or Apple TV’s AppStore. Apple have been talking about their subscription-based gaming service plans for some time now, but what exactly is it and when does it launch? Find out below.
Instead of tackling graphics-intensive blockbusters that are so popular on devices like the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC, Apple are going about it in their true Apple fashion. They plan to position their new gaming service as a hub for remarkable and tightly focused games, that many consider as ‘art games.’ With a monthly subscription, you get access to all games available on Apple Arcade, similar to the way Netflix works.
While some might find it odd for Apple to be taking on the gaming industry, it should be said that Apple was arguably the first company to make mobile gaming serious and make it financially viable. This resulted in the backing of some of the most important names in mobile game development.
Apple plans to make these games cross-platform, with players being able to pick up and play from where they left off, regardless of whether they are on the TV, phone or computer. Many expect Apple to change the ‘art game’ scene, just like the way they revolutionised the app world.
Apple Arcade was unveiled with over 100 unique titles, exclusive to Apple's devices, including 'Beneath a Steel Sky', a remake of the classic adventure game. Other hyped titles include 'LEGO Arthouse', 'LEGO Brawl', 'Hot Lava', 'Sonic Racing' ,'Where Cards Fall' and 'The Pathless.'
The collection of games available is also set to be curated by experts, and will be updated monthly with releases from renowned creators Hironobu Sakaguchi, Ken Wong, Will Wright and more.
While it's expected that iPad and iPhone's will use Apple Arcade the most, the service is also welcomed with open arms by Mac users. For too long Mac gamers have been the butt of PC jokes for lacking the same top-notch gaming experiences found on PC. With Arcade, Mac users have a hope for something world class and exclusive.
Apple Arcade is set to launch in September/November this year, with no official release day set yet. Unfortunately pricing information is also scare on the matter but this blog will be updated when that information becomes public.
Check out the trailer below giving insight into the creators!