NTWRK AREA3 powered by adidas

29 Aug 2019, 10:00
NTWRK AREA3 powered by adidas

Born from a need within the South African youth community, NTWRK AREA3 looks to bridge a gap within the broader creative space. As an evolution from the adidas AREA3 pop up and standalone space from yesteryear, NTWRK AREA3 is an open-source online platform that aims to connect and celebrate creative individuals expressing themselves through the lens of adidas.


Housed on Instagram, NTWRK AREA3 supplies young creatives with adidas product and budget to bring their creative vision to life. The meteoric rise of social connectedness through technology has created a sense of community that the brand looks to support through collaborative opportunities. Instagram is the visual tool for creation and inspiration for young creators worldwide and authentic engagement with brands on this platform is far higher than any other social media channel. 


To take part, get a postcard at either Shelflife CPT or JHB and take a picture of the back of your card, highlighting your idea, tag @NTWRKAREA3 and submit it through DM's on Instagram.

Young creators are identified based on the strength of their creative output on Instagram and the evidence of an engaged community. Once a creator has been identified the brand then aligns them with a product story that feels authentic to their aesthetic. The creator is then introduced to the NTWRK AREA3 concept and platform and confirmation of interest is secured. A brief is shared by the brand detailing the product and allowing them to start visualising the key looks and conceptualising their art direction. Finally, key deliverable information is outlined i.e. content output and the timeline for delivery of said content. 

The work that has been created by the youth involved thus far has pushed creativity within the realms of design, photography, motion graphics and video to its furthest reaches. Follow @NTWRKAREA3 on Instagram for a dose of culture with each fresh interpretation.