Shelflife Artist Tee Series: Bushy Wopp
03 May 2019, 15:00
We are happy to end the month of April with our sixth artist tee, with none another than Bushy Wopp. Bushy is a freelance illustrator based in Cape Town that's known for his 'Intergalafrican' murals, paintings and illustrations. He also runs Fresh Zine, a publication showcasing local artist's work. We are big fans of Bushy and are so happy to have him join our Artist Tee Series.
We were able to ask Bushy Wopp some questions about his work, inspiration and more. Check out the short interview below!
Where did your love for illustration and art in general begin?
My real love for art started when I moved from the suburbs to the Cape Flats as a kid, I saw graffiti murals everywhere, it blew my mind. I knew then what I wanted to do.
Who are some of your biggest influences?
Toni Riff, Nychos, Flying Fortress, Lugo, Muretz, Daan Botlek, Zro and Crack.
What have been some of your highlights as an artist so far?
My highlights are always getting to meet interesting people and go to places I wouldn’t have gone to on my own. I went from seeing the real South Africa in townships to being invited to a graffiti festival in the middle of Vietnam.
If you could collaborate with one artist or brand, who would it be and why?
Nike would always be number one for me. I’ve grown up mostly wearing Nike sneakers. It’s my brand love mark, a loyalty beyond reason.
What are your essentials you use to create your work?
Pencils, pens, markers, sketch books, laptop, iPad and spray paint.
Any advice to those wanting to get started in the industry and stand out?
Be patient, be ready to take losses, be optimistic, take criticism, believe in yourself, work outside of your habits, keep learning, network, trust your gut, sketch often, don’t miss deadlines and most importantly, always be authentic to who you are.
The Shelflife x Bushy Wopp Artist Tee is now available at our CPT, JHB and online store.
XS, S, M, L, XL
Units are extremely limited!