Who is HELCH? The Graffiti Artist Who Upset the Queen

05 Sep 2019, 16:06
Who is HELCH? The Graffiti Artist Who Upset the Queen

This week it was reported that a massive 18 metre tag had been completed on the railway bridge close to Windsor Castle. In big white letters the name 'HELCH' stood proudly with the Royal Family's Castle in the background. While some might've applauded the feat, the Queen didn't feel the same way. She was in fact furious with HELCH and his tag, as it was spoiling the view of her Majesty’s favourite residence.


The 3m-by-18m tag was painted in a single day and ruins the view for guests to the Monarch’s favourite castle. The issue was first delivered to the Queen by friends who noticed it from Royal Windsor Manner – a twin carriageway that brings them into the historic city.

A royal supply mentioned: ‘The Queen was extraordinarily upset to learn that this view of Windsor Citadel has been changed into such an eyesore. Her aides have been requested to see what might be carried out to have this gratuitous vandalism cleaned up and the views throughout to Windsor Citadel restored to their former magnificence.’ 

Officials think they have the guy to blame, though it is denied by the writer and his mother. Some have stated that is not tag at all and rather a word, describing something. Urban Dictionary has a number of possible definitions, suggesting that it’s a cross between a hiccup and a belch, or a reaction to seeing something disgusting which makes someone want to throw up. This is not the first time 'HELCH' has been seen in the UK either.


The Helch phenomenon began in West London in September 2018, with a flurry of ‘helches’ appearing around Harrow, but since then has spread across the city. 

If it is in fact a tag then one things is definitely for sure, HELCH got his name out!