Catching Up with Babusi Nyoni

01 Dec 2022, 08:00
Catching Up with Babusi Nyoni

Tech entrepreneur, innovator, designer, app developer and music producer, Babusi Nyoni is building tools for Africa and, in the process, making AI more accessible and relevant. We caught up with the mastermind.

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Where in the world are you right now?

What are you reading, watching and listening to currently?

What are you wearing right now?

Who or what inspires you at the moment?

Tell us about Sila Health…

On that note, can you share a bit more about the other apps you’ve been involved in creating?

What’s the story behind Tripleblack Agency and what does your role entail?

You also recently released your first musical project. How did you get into music production and what’s next?

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You often have ideas that are completely outside the box yet practical, with an emphasis on helping people. What comes first for you: an idea that leads to helping others or the necessity to have an idea to help others? Essentially what’s your process?

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You’re well-travelled! What are your favourite cities and what do you like about them?

What are your hopes, aspirations and dreams for the next 5-10 years?