Catching Up with Xhanti Zwelendaba

30 Dec 2022, 10:00
Catching Up with Xhanti Zwelendaba

Ahead of the 2023 Investec Art Fair, we’ve sat down with some notable local artists to gauge the creative landscape of the country. Xhanti Zwelendaba is an artist who’s received local and international acclaim, in part for his diverse use of mediums, each chosen for their ability to bring life to the thought-provoking concepts at the core of his work. He describes his work as “a testimony to interrogating my identity and the collective identities of Black people living in South Africa.” We sat down to chat with him about his journey thus far and what he has planned for the future. Written by James Nash.

Where are you based at the moment?

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What’s your go-to fit for a day in the studio?

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Could you tell us a bit about yourself and your journey as an artist?

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You’ve described yourself as an anti-disciplinary artist. Can you elaborate on what that means to you?

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Can you talk about some of your favourite artworks you’ve created?

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What are your plans for the future? Any exhibitions we should look out for?

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