FEDE Arthouse: A New Kind of Gallery

18 May 2023, 13:00
FEDE Arthouse: A New Kind of Gallery

Young artists are always looking for new ways to push the envelope and FEDE Arthouse is among the finest examples of this. More than just a collective, FEDE has created a community around its “nomadic gallery” concept, allowing people to engage with art and creativity in unique and exciting ways. We spoke to co-founder Lebo Kekana about what they’ve done and what's next.

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JN: Can you tell us about the origins of FEDE Arthouse?

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JN: FEDE is described as a “research-based practice”, what does this mean to you?

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JN: What have been the benefits and obstacles involved in running a nomadic gallery?

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JN: Who are the current members of the collective?

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JN: Outside of exhibiting art, what other ways has FEDE created a community around itself?

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JN: Where is FEDE Arthouse now and what’s up next?

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Interview by James Nash