MotelSeven x Shelflife

19 Jun 2024, 17:00
MotelSeven x Shelflife

MotelSeven is renowned for infusing her artwork with a whimsical, youthful spirit across a range of mediums such as painting, graffiti, and even pastry artistry. Her distinctive style, blends Japanese manga, graffiti influences, and themes of beauty and nostalgia in a surrealistic universe. These elements reflect her personal journey, often expressing the melancholy of youth through her work.

Starting graffiti as a teen, MotelSeven held her first solo exhibition at twenty-one, marking the beginning of a prolific career. Over the next decade, she focused on outdoor murals and participated in public art festivals primarily in Europe and the US, as well as being a member of the renowned graffiti crew, 40HK. 

In our constant pursuit to shine a light on incredible artists as well as expand our community, we are lucky to collab with MotelSeven for an apparel and accessories collection. This drop comes with something extra special, in the form of an open launch event to celebrate the new collection and which will see the first gallery exhibition in our new Cape Town store. The night will be accompanied by some special edition café snacks to really welcome in the release and as an ode to Motel’s playful essence.

SL: Who are you and where are you from?

M7: I go by the name MotelSeven, Cape Town local.

SL: How did you get into graffiti/painting/design? Tell us about your journey.

M7: My earliest memory of graffiti was around 13. I used to copy what I saw on the walls straight into a sketchbook. That’s biting! Don’t do that! I’ve done a few shows through the years, painted a few murals. I still don’t really know what I’m doing if I’m completely honest.

SL: Name 3 of your favourite influences at the moment.

M7: James Jean, Matthew Palladino and Priestcorp

SL: Why did you choose the name ‘MotelSeven’?

M7: I wanted a name that was androgynous and a bit badass. Also, great letters.

SL: If you could work with any designer/brand in the world who would it be and why?

M7: Adidas has always been my favourite. It encapsulates graffiti and hip hop and will forever have street credit. I still remember my first pair of shell cap shoes in 1999 with the fat laces. I could have been cool, if I wasn’t such a dork!

SL: Talk us through your concept for this Shelflife collection:

M7: ‘Come rain or shine’ is about pushing on in adversity and not letting the things we can’t control in life get you down. It’s something we can all work on and take heed with. Life is mysterious and confusing but also a gift.

SL: Tell us a little bit about your work history and what you are currently up to at present.

M7: I have just stepped back from a lucrative but unfulfilling chef career. It has given me discipline and perspective so I will forever be grateful for those years. I am focusing on murals and group art shows for the next while.

SL: What do you do in your spare time, what keeps you motivated?

M7: I love being in the mountains and staying active. I’m motivated by the special people around me and the interesting ones I get to meet along the way.

SL: One piece of advice for anyone starting in your field today?

M7: It takes a lot of bumping into walls before you can break through. Hard work really does pay off, and be kind to yourself and others!

The MotelSeven x Shelflife Collection drops on the 4th of July 2024, in-store and online, accompanied by the launch event.

All are welcome to come through to the launch to browse the space, eat some snacks and check-out the new collection! (PLEASE NOTE: SPACE IS LIMITED)

Shelflife Store, 50 Bree St, CPT

First Thursday, 04 July 2024

18:00 – 21:00

We look forward to seeing you there.

Stay tuned for full collection details...