RIP Ekon 40HK - Remembrance Park Jam 26th Jan 2014 Searle Street Woodstock

21 Jan 2014, 16:31
RIP Ekon 40HK - Remembrance Park Jam 26th Jan 2014 Searle Street Woodstock

It is with great sadness to our friends, family, and South African and international graffiti scenes, to inform you that we have lost Ekon from the 40HK crew in the previous week.

Ekon was a multi-talented graffiti artist, designer and a huge part of the original Cape Town graffiti scene from early 1996. This has come as a massive shock and is a terrible tragedy.

This Sunday, the 26th of January, we will be holding a graffiti Jam in his name at Searle Street Park, Woodstock Cape Town from 2pm onwards. Anyone is welcome to paint, as we have full permission for the day, spaces are first come first serve. Please provide your own paint and primer.

If you do not wish to participate in the painting we urge you to come join us for the day to show your condolences and respect to the artist, everyone is welcome.

We ask you please to not bring alcohol into the park for the day, as we have got council permission and do not want any problems on the day.

We hope to see you all there!