Ses'fikile: The Party Has Arrived

28 Aug 2023, 17:00
Ses'fikile: The Party Has Arrived

Ses'fikile!, which translates to 'We Have Arrived,' is a seasonal event operating at the intersection of art, music, fashion, and culture. Ses'fikile weaves together a vibrant tapestry of urban youth expression. It's a platform where diverse talents converge, showcasing the best of each domain.

Through this convergence, participants immerse themselves in a rich tapestry of experiences, fostering lasting friendships and inspiring new connections.

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Ses'fikile's legacy lies in its ability to transcend the digital world, turning virtual connections into real, tangible bonds. It's a celebration of life, friendship, and culture, where young souls come together to proclaim, "We have arrived!"

We sat down with the man behind the scenes and cultural trailblazer, Shakes Mbolekwana to discuss partying, community and all things Ses'fikile...

SL: When and how did Ses’fikile start?

SL: Why did you decide on Ses’fikile as the name of your event?

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SL: What separates your event from other parties?

SL: How do you decide which DJ’s to feature at each event?

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SL: What’s your favourite song to play/dance to?

SL: What do you feel is special about bringing people together in this way?

SL: What do you think makes the best party?

SL: What is significant about Ses’fikile happening in a city like Cape Town?

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SL: How has the event changed and transformed since it started?

SL: What does a typical Ses’fikile party look like?

SL: What do you hope people take away from the event?

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SL: What do you do when you aren’t hosting Ses’fikile?

SL: What are you most looking forward to about the upcoming party?

SL: Lastly, what’s your go-to drink on a night out?

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The second edition of Ses'fikile will take place on Friday, the 1st of September at Botanik House, 54 Queen Victoria St, Gardens, Cape Town. 

For more about the event check out Ses'fikile on Instagram or click here to secure your tickets!

Event posters designed by
Sinalo Ngcaba.