Touching Base with Franadilla

06 Oct 2022, 12:00
Touching Base with Franadilla

With his undeniable talent and approachable humility, Francesco “Franadilla” Mbele is simultaneously making waves and riding them to their creative limits. Tshiamo Seape for Shelflife caught up with the mogul in the making for a debrief on what’s good and what’s next.

Give us a quick recap of what you’ve been doing and what projects keep you most busy.

Building a brand and an online persona obviously comes with some strategic decisions. Which aspects of your work do you not necessarily enjoy, but are necessary for the advancement of your goals?

Once again, having a public persona can have its challenges. Do you think there is a big difference between your interactions with perfect strangers and people who are already familiar with you and what you do?

Regarding your brand, Franasonic, what made you decide to make journals a part of the offering?

The merch has quite a broad selection, but what’s your favourite piece from the collection?

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You seem to be someone who’s able to turn their passions quite easily into revenue streams or a public expression, but do you have any passions or hobbies that you prefer to keep to yourself?

You were recently part of the Thebe Magugu x adidas launch event. What was it like to be part of that event and are there any lessons that you have learned from Thebe himself?

The Ebumnandini Collective has cemented itself as a nightlife mainstay and creative force. Can you expand on the ethos of the collective and how you might see the brand expanding beyond parties?

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What are the 3 most valuable lessons or pieces of advice you have received from your collaborators?

What are you working on next?

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